Attribution: Image by Back 4 App
Miker Works is Back 4 App partner
Miker Works is offical partner of Back 4 app, a solution for creating a backend for your app real quickly. It is a very scalable solution. It is perfect for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) but it also is a great fit for a production environment with millions of users.
As an official Back4app partner we are happy to inform you about all the possibilities of app development using the services that Back4App provides.
Do it the lean way
It is good to see that the lean startup methodology is becoming more and more popular. But the following is still a valid question for a lot of developers and for a lot of a customers: Why would you spend half a year or more on developing an awesome piece of software that nobody wants to use in the end?
We have been there. We have done that too. As a developer it is just more fun to sit behind your computer and start coding I guess. But it quickly made sense to us that validated learning through the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop can prevent wasting precious time and money! In addition to the books written by Eric Ries we have learned a lot from the (Dutch) Lean startup circle and from the wise lessons of Ash Maurya.
Attribution: Image by Ash Maurya, Lean Stack
Create a MVP first
Now we no longer develop the features that we want to create; we insist to develop the features that users really want to have! The only way to find out about that is to ask them and to start app development by creating a Minimum Viable product (MVP) first.
At first by talking to our customers and our customers users we can find out whether a certain assumption is true or not. We found that continuously repeating this process, considerably increases the relevancy and the value of any app.
How Back 4 App can help
Today the lean approach is a part of our companies’ philosophy. Key elements of successful mobile development are: a short time to market and obtaining early feedback. We believe the services of Back 4 App contribute to that to great extent because of the possibility to setup a back-end very quickly.
Back 4 App offers an Back-end as a Service (BaaS), built on the open source Parse Server technology, earlier acquired and maintained by Facebook. User registration and validation can be setup real quickly. Other data entities can be added just as fast and sending Push notifications can also easily be done.
The SDK's for Android, iOS and .NET make app development even more convenient. Best of Back 4 App is that it comes with a free plan as well. So, there really is no more excuse for anyone not to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) first.